viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

INAP: a checkered history.

My faculty is known like Instituto de Asuntos Publicos but this is just the graduate institute and the undergrad studies are in Escuela de Gobierno y Gestion Publica. She is located one block of Plaza Brasil.

The school history’s has been ups and downs. In a summary, in dictatorship was closed and when was opened returning to democracy the build and place to do the classes was in Palacio Matte near of Tribunales de Justicia. After, earthquake consecuence was closed and we had to moved to Universidad
de Los Lagos in Republica neighborhood. How the leasing finished finishing the year. Newly we moved to our new faculty in Brasil neighborhood, where is leasing too.

As faculty had been fighting to obtain a place to guarantee our
own building and a real university life, with all the needless tools for
develope the student’s work. That promise land is Vicuña Mackena 20, occupied
by Facultad de Quimica y Farmacia.

Sadly, the authorities’ pronouncements are only false promises, just
myths. So, we still make meeting to discuss constantly our situation and keep
in knowledge to authorities.

About our actual college, building is really painful because we
don’t count with the implements like have a big lab or a big library and canteen
for have comfort to realize our activities. Neither big classrooms, there no
one green area, just a palm, there is a poor “bicycle park”, there no a car
parking between others structural’s shortcomings. The staff and authorities
performance is good in their treatment but not solving the mention problems.
There are very committed teacher as well some without teacking skills.

The most important we don have a proper space to work and share as
we deserve. Despite that problems obviously disappoint to us when we arrived to
faculty and kill all our expecting of the best university. Anyway we are convinced the
real quality is in us and not in the structure. Our student and teacher quality makes the university greatness.

The Green decommitted.

I’m not a green person and never use to pedal until my
faculty neither keep energy and nothing about that. Maybe I compensate making
sport in outdoors places caring nature and fauna. I recognize my disregard is because I’ve been busy with other social problems but sometimes I wonder why I haven’t done nothing about that?.

Whatever has been the circumstances and worries I had, I know the problem rather is
related with a educational empty. Because all institutions and people work,
under the phrase “As always, urgent doesn’t let time to the important”. How ambient
problem is not hurry we are dedicated to resolve other topics.

Therefore, environment as many other contingent subject like sexuality
and alcoholism face a decommitted from different actors.

Our country is not a costume to care our environment and
just contributes to deteriorate it. Because there no a conscience to do it and
there no education about the subject and how important is ambient welfare. Is
not enough to sign an international deal to reduce contamination if don’t exist
green culture where all actors are committed to keep in green.

The problems is exist a release of liability for governments and
ONGs cant increase educations for themselves. In school the problem is studied
and parents neither contribute to report a culture because the shortcoming exceed
generations. Is a priority can go ahead the concept called “governance” where
all the social and politic actor must involved to attenuate the problem. All
the actors have the responsibility to make a green and sustainable world to
live and feel better without damage to nature and our health.

Euthanasia: a choise, a right.

The first work on my mind when I think about euthanasia is
"complex". Obviously there are different opinions and related about religious,
juridical and ethics prospects. But I want to refer basically to the seconds.
Our Constitution in 19th article number 1 guarantees the right to life and physical and psychological integrity of the person. To world level is included in Universal Rights.
So is not just the limits to our Constitution but its limits is Universal

All doctors and public health officials must to orient their act down laws.
What happened when a man wants to die and request to doctor help to finish with
his life? That situation causes hard ethic position for any doctor.
I thinks so, is too hard make a legislation about this subject because will
collide with organical and international laws. Euthanasia not only must be an
option but a right. Our laws were created down conservatism and have to reform
to go in actually consonance. Time step of material demands and start valor
demands and if we want to progress in this subjects we have to open our mind
and jointly decide.

(Is amazing how we are so small and work to obtain things to live better
and are destined to lose all that we build).

In my opinion I’m agree with eventually approve euthanasia but in other terms this has
not a real sense just to avoid feel pain more for somebody as me, don’t believe
after of death. So. a real sense to die is cant put up our existence for psychopathological
problems (or not necessary that), to escape of all things imposed to us. Then
death should be the instance to find a real freedom.

jueves, 12 de enero de 2012

Predictions to Obama´s Reelection

Past year, Obama has formally launched his campaigin for reelection this November 2012. He expects to increase his campaign funds (more than 2008) for scare his republican’s opponents and make sure his goal.

Many analysts predict Obama probably will be again President because in US is a tendency Presidents were reelected. However, other thinks is not too sure and will be not easy, cause his popularity has suffered falls, from 52% last year to 47% last month, explained to a slowing economy recover, Libya conflicts, a high unemployment, soaring federal and collapse of the housing market. Also, Obama has lost his back in some states he obtained high votes like on 2008 in Carolina Del Norte and Indiana. But he keep holding an important back still in States where the black population is high like Colorado, Nevada and Ohio.
The prediction to Republican candidate is accurately they can claim Obama fails areas to improve and develop them, to expect obtain better back. But Republicans still haven’t launched a presidential candidate and don’t have no one certain card to do it, because they don’t have a strong politic and enough money to make some weight to Obama’s campaign.
Anyway Obama has a high advantage above his political opponents and count with a high supporting from his ministries and government advisers.
(Title: “Barack Obama eyes $1bn re-election bid as Republicans
ponder challengers”/Author: Ewen MacAskill/ Date: Tuesday 5 April, 2011)

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

Music: a Sublime Art.

Music means to my ears, poetry is for the poet... Music is poetry to my ears!. Music is an art and the composer is a genius where the men can be nearer of God. Music sometimes is indescribable, is another language, rare to human language. Melodies are a drug; make me escape to different places, real and fictitious. Music is a pleasure and makes me feel out of the earth!

Unfortunately God doesn’t bless to me and I was sentenced to can’t play some instrument and sing. However I love and admire to the people dedicated to that art.

Despite I enjoy a lot of kind of music because reflects my different humor I prefer classical masterpieces because make me feel the things I said before. I don’t have memories about my first experience with music neither what was the first song I ever heard! I just know really love Carmina Burana by Carl Orff and 9th Symphony by Beethoven. Even if they are used as sound bands.

In a Sico-sociology way, music has effects in our behaviors in our acts. Since we were child, were expose and grew up listen it. Music also, influences our future actions. Bring us some personality features. Reflects a world vision, a culture and a group essence. Is a compilation of spirituals histories for ones or identity demonstrations to others.

viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

Italy, the culture´s crib.

Lot of time ago, I was thinking of travel to Italia and still can’t go because has been ups and downs. Basically I would like to go because Italia has got many history and knowledge of how went going developing culture. I don’t know too much about there just about the Roman Empire and works from authors and artist like Nicolas Maquivelo , Leonardo Da Vinci, Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Sartori, Vivaldi, Ennio Morricone, Pasolini between others.

If I’ve got the money and the time for make the trip I would like to visit the historical places and also some outdoors places. I would like to participate in trail running races and know people to refresh to me about the problems affect society in a depth looking way.

I’m not sure if is possible live there because I’ve got on mind visit others countries but more exotics to the western culture. I think so is better if I take a time for study and internalize to me in Italian´s political life.

jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

Jewelries from Visual Industry.

Well not often I watch Chilean TV shows because there are
just trashes, like “Primer Plano”, “Perla”, reality shows between others. Only
like to me around 4 programs. Two of
them are City tour on 13C Channel and “Tolerancia Cero” on Chilevision. The first
is conducted by the architect, Federico Sanchez and filmed by Marcelo
Comparini. In the program they visit many places in Santiago, explaining
building architecture and showing up some vitality problems in our city.
Federico, has an extravagant personality makes to me be concentrated the entire
program. About the second I try to watch it because make to me warn about the
depth of political and social problems so I can complement to my career.

Films I love and suggest are “Man facing southeast” by
Eliseo Subiela and “The secret of her eyes” by Jose Campanella. Both are Argentinean
movies and have a depth way to give off to us. First talk about a man who break
with the classical thinking’s saying how the normal things are social buildings
based is what parameter are more useful for society discriminating deviants.
Second is more political and has very cruel scenes of sexual violence. Anyway,
I think if we want to open our mind we always have to find and learn of everything
as we can. So I invite to watch them.

An extrange and enriching term.

The subjects Im taking are 7. They are administrative law,
swimming, Sociology theory, Economy, leadership workshop. Ingles IV, and statistics. The funnier subject for me is
swimming because is a good therapy to avoid be stressed and to keep my physical
capacities. Sociology theory also is funny and interesting. Has passed about 8
classes and the knowledge is really enriching. Now I can understand better how
works society. My expectation this term are finish getting good academic
results and can continue and improving our demonstrations. How I had a lot of
time studying but not being evaluated I was feeling the need to be dignify my
life feeling to me stressed so I think so I’m getting good and is really nice
be doing things in this year times.

martes, 21 de junio de 2011

The guru of trail running!

Jorge Cifuentes is a national athlete. He belong to the physical education school of army. He was born February 17th, on 1978 in Los Angeles, the eitgh region of chile. Always was introvert but restless at the same time. He begin running when start school, then he was to run for arrive early to study about eught kilometers. During the secondary school in Liceo Suizo “ La Providencia” he stand out in physical education and finishing his studies he obtain goods results running in challenge of 5 and 10 km.

On 1997 when he joined to army, was selected for integrate the running elite group of army. About 2 years he competed in moinatain patrols and military pratols with different test and distances. Again he obtain a lot of podium for his unitity.

On 1999, Jorge joined the orientation team and take part of this kinf of challenge and Cross Country, too. So, he wins the competition of matrix schools.

On 2001, Jorge was assigned to represent chile and army in adventure, orientation and cross country challenge to national and international level.

Another important competences he participated were:

“Columbia Challenge” (adventure race) in Pucon, 2008

“Sudamerica de Orientacion”, Brazil of 2010.

“Expedition Race 612km” in Punta Arenas. In summer of this year.

“Abierto de Orientacion”, in Las Salinas. On June at present year.

Actually he is the couch of the north face running club and teacher and instructor of the physical education subject of army.

His challenge for this year are represent Chile running in the Military world games on july. For October he wants to take part in international competences like Copa Mercosur, in Uruguay and the Sudamericano de Punta del Este in the same country in the orientation discipline.

Personally, I changed this athlete because I admire his constance and is an example for continue my sport life having in mind the challenge I will do, but for that is necessary have the spirit, heart, force, love, encourage and believe like a Don Quijote dream as Jorge has.

domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

The world in a box!

Well, I dont know about tecnology niether contingency news about it. But My favourite piece of tecnology is notebook as a collection, in a general way. I got my only and firts notebook on summer of this year. My mother make this big gift in compensation for finish the last semester passing all my subjects. So I think is an excellent incentive. It just a joke, obviously my priority is have an intellectual compensation than a material compensation. Since she bought it I never stop of use it. Is part of my life in the way it permit me have informated about University news, contingecial news and I can do the homeworks and also I can socialize with family, cousins, national and foreign friends.

I would not like to say how often I use the notebook. But I can say it use an importan part of my time, daily. The interesting thing I like about netbooks and PCs is the quantity of information I have in a box. I can see and have the world through a box.

I think so if I havent my notebook I will use the PC of my brother. No, talking seriously, I think I read a lot, and I could do more sports and I get out with friends or a cultural centers, theathers, cinema, parks, travel to another places, I could play chess or enroll me in different course about culture.

Desafio Vive El Ramal! :)

This picture was taken on summer of this year. When I participated in the mountaibaike challenge called Desafio Vive el Ramal did in Talca. It was taken for a photographer of the organization.

Basically the photo it reflects a hard time of the challenge because I take about 2 hour compitying and I had to cover still 20 kilometers to finish it, so I was very tired walking with my MTB bycicle going uphill.

Is very important this picture in two ways. First, because it was the first time I participated in a mountainbike challenge pedaling 50 kilometers. And second cause I can remember how I suffer in the challenge and now Im convince nothing is impossible or like the adidas slogan “impossible is nothing” when you believe in your capacities and for that you can do it.

In the film “Chariots of fire” about the biography of two bigs athletes of England it expressed the specify phrase it represent the feeling I want to tell here and it say something like this : “To run its not enough the forces we have, its necesary use all our heart and our inside”. I share completely that thinking and I know any people who practice some sport can check it.