viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

INAP: a checkered history.

My faculty is known like Instituto de Asuntos Publicos but this is just the graduate institute and the undergrad studies are in Escuela de Gobierno y Gestion Publica. She is located one block of Plaza Brasil.

The school history’s has been ups and downs. In a summary, in dictatorship was closed and when was opened returning to democracy the build and place to do the classes was in Palacio Matte near of Tribunales de Justicia. After, earthquake consecuence was closed and we had to moved to Universidad
de Los Lagos in Republica neighborhood. How the leasing finished finishing the year. Newly we moved to our new faculty in Brasil neighborhood, where is leasing too.

As faculty had been fighting to obtain a place to guarantee our
own building and a real university life, with all the needless tools for
develope the student’s work. That promise land is Vicuña Mackena 20, occupied
by Facultad de Quimica y Farmacia.

Sadly, the authorities’ pronouncements are only false promises, just
myths. So, we still make meeting to discuss constantly our situation and keep
in knowledge to authorities.

About our actual college, building is really painful because we
don’t count with the implements like have a big lab or a big library and canteen
for have comfort to realize our activities. Neither big classrooms, there no
one green area, just a palm, there is a poor “bicycle park”, there no a car
parking between others structural’s shortcomings. The staff and authorities
performance is good in their treatment but not solving the mention problems.
There are very committed teacher as well some without teacking skills.

The most important we don have a proper space to work and share as
we deserve. Despite that problems obviously disappoint to us when we arrived to
faculty and kill all our expecting of the best university. Anyway we are convinced the
real quality is in us and not in the structure. Our student and teacher quality makes the university greatness.

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